
   Simply put, our salts make nearly anything taste better - truly. Whether added to the most humble of foods, like a little pinch sprinkled on an egg in the morning, or a teaspoon added to your favorite homemade soup, your taste buds will think you're eating in a five-star restaurant. As one of our favorite customers recently said after going out to dinner with friends in Florida: "Ruth Chris steak is good, but your salt makes it taste so much better!" After placing only a few grains of our salt on your tongue and letting the flavors mingle on your palate, you'll continue to detect one distinct flavor after another, and even with so little salt, the culmination of flavors continue to tantalize minutes later.


  For anyone interested in watching their salt intake, this salt is ideal. First, we use only all-natural sea salt (click here for salt specs). Secondly, given the sheer volume and intensity of ingredients infused into each handmade batch, your natural tendency is to use far less. We are often asked what the best way to use the salt, and our response is always that if you're new to experiencing this salt, simply place a little on an egg. Until you try our salt on something very, very simple, you won't quite understand the incredible intensity and waves of flavor you'll experience.


  Using our salt blends means that you can go from a so-so soup, sauce or entree to gourmet in one fell swoop! No digging around in your spice cupboard or drawer, no emergency trips to the store because your dish "just needs a little something...". There is truly something magical about our artisan salts that will have you shaking your head, wondering how on earth your dishes taste so much better!


   ShireGoods artisan salts allow you to quickly put a genuinely yummy meal together with minimal effort. You can take a half dozen red peppers, clean and cut them, place them in a blender, put in a pan with a couple tablespoons of our salt and voila! You have a truly delicious, healthy and wonderfully flavored soup!


  Whether you're an avid hiker, hunter, camper, fisherman or any other sport which mandates that you commune with nature for long periods of time, this salt is absolutely ideal. You needn't bring any other herbs or spices for each meal - our salts are so incredibly flavorful, they will work on any dish. One 2 oz. pack is plenty to last an entire week-long trip! Loving this salt as we do, we don't go anywhere without our own personal stash!